Briefly about General Data Protection Regulation
The new General Regulation about Data Protection (GDPR), Regulation 2016/679, came into force in Greece at 25/5/2018 and changes all the data of businesses and organizations in terms of customer data protection and processing. The new Regulation regulates the processing and treatment of personal data commonly accross the European Union and the law 2472/1997 which regulated the similar issues is repealed. The application of Regulation is very challenging for the companies and public sector bodies, who, in case of non-compliance, will have to pay fines of up to 20.000.0000€ or 4% of the total annual turnover.
Who is affected by the regulation?
The situation in information and data diffusion through the Internet had been changed rapidly over the recent years, since the time that the Internet access is considered easy for every person, of every age. The compliance is about all the companies and organizations whick process personal data by automated or not methods. The information and data that they manage and retain are about their customers, suppliers, employees or third parties. There is no company or organization excluded from the Regulation.
The confusion created by the terminology of the Regulation
In recent times there is a deluge of information and terms about the new Regulation GDPR. Epsilon Informatics collects and presents the most important of them, that every company or organization must know.