The profile of a company is reflected in the corporate identity.
But what is corporate identity and what it includes?
Epsilon Informatics undertakes the creation of powerful Brands that aim to boost the image and reputation of the company along the lines of action, the corporate culture and the way it should be presented to the customer.
The name and the logoof the company according to Branding Analysis represent the business from A to Z. The logo is a very important part of the brand which in combination with the corporate name it defines the first insight and forms the initial corporate characteristics.
Also, at the corporate identity design the following are included:
- Corporate Business Card
- Corporate Stationery
- Email Signature
- Corporate Sign
- Corporate Invoice and Statements
- Corporate Vehicles
Furthermore, Epsilon Informatics can offer the opportunity of high quality professional photography of the areas and products of a company as well as corporate videos.

In particular, for the videos:
- Company Introduction Video
Presentation of the company focusing on the promotion of the business and at the same time product demonstration.
- Product – Service Presentation Video
Detailed presentation of product or service in order to achieve the best promotion of the product and the increase of sales.
- Educational – Explainer Video
Corporate videos with educational content or “how-to” tutorial videos.
- Infographics – Animation Video
Promotional videos, which describe with integrity the services and the way they are used by taking full advantage of graphics, explanatory information and/or animation.
- Advertising spot
Promotional video of short duration.